
无flash收听sky.fm | Listen to sky.fm without a flash player

sky.fm是我的最爱,原来ios有个sky.fm app,但是现在连不上了。

sky.fm现在也提供非flash的播放link,但是要进入那个flash页面,然而在ipad的safari上就会蹦到安装flash player的页面,很恶心。



Sky.fm is my favorite online radio, there's been a sky.fm app on ios, but has been not working these days.

Non-flash links are also provided by sky.fm, however you'll need to visit the flash player page first, then get the links. While doing this with safari on ipad, you'll be redirect to a page which asks you to install flash player.

Of course, I can get the links from another computer, but there is not such another computer.

So I googled for a while, until I found sky.fm/mobile. Quite useful, since safari would call quicktime to play the list, so I can even listen to it putting it into background.

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