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Showing posts from February, 2013

杂记 20120205 | Misc Notes 20120205

1. Javascript 图表库比较 Ext JS 各种模型比较折腾,画出来还不错。 flot,配合jQuery写着比较顺手,但是功能不够多,内置符号只有圆圈,加个插件发现图例中不能显示符号。logscale还有坐标的分点都要自己实现。。。 2.gnuplot编译时报错,libpng冲突 3.Excel中方向键不工作 按一下ScrollLock试试 4.Linux播放白噪音 install sox play -n synth 60:00 whitenoise 1. A few JS libraries for plotting Ext JS, with rather complicated data models, but worthy. Produced figures look good. flot, a smooth coding experience with jQuery, but also lack of features. E.g. by default the only available symbol is circle. There are plugins available for extra symbols, but only in legend...Also I have to specify all the ticks... 2. libpng confliction when compiling gnuplot. 3. Arrow keys not working in excel Try to press t