
Some good readings about password managers

 It turned out password managers are not as secure as I had expected, but most of the time they are still OK.

  • https://karlgrz.com/2fa-gpg-ssh-keys-with-pass-and-yubikey-neo/
  • https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9727297
  • https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9727522


Exploring Options for Email Aliases

Recently I explored various options of creating email aliases.

I care about the following factors:

  • [Critical] Limits: I may need to create ~100 or ~200 aliases.
  • [Critical] Retain email envelope: I should be able to see the original "from" and "to" addresses.
  • [Critical] Catch-all: I want to catch all emails that are sent to unknown addresses.
  • [Critical] Reliability: The service should "just work".
  • [Important] Easy to create a new alias: it should be easy to create a new one. API support would be ideal.
  • [Important] Tagging/Comment: I'd like to add a comment to an alias to remember why it was created. Note that the alias itself may be totally random
  • [Nice to have] Send As: it's nice to be able to send email as the alias.

Cloudflare Email Routing


  • Maximum of 200 rules
  • A few clicks to create a new rule. There is easy-to-use API.
  • I saw an example where the service is not so reliable, there are also similar complains in the cloudflare forum.
  • Allows a catch-all rule.
  • In the web UI it doesn't allow adding comments to a rule. It is possible to set real_user+comment@gmail.com as the destination for gmail, but I'll need to verify each destinationas a separate email address, which is annoying.
    • The API supports adding comments to each rule
  • It doesn't support "send-as". But possible with standard SPF settings.
Overall I find this option very nice for casual usage.

Google Workspace Groups

  • Unlimited groups, but an account can be an owner of at most 1000 groups.
  • Email envelopes are modified. I see "from group@ to user@" instead of "from sender@ to group@".
  • Lots of steps to create a new group, e.g. I need to allow external posting, bypass spam filter etc. There is API but difficult to use.
  • It is easy to set up catch-all rules.
  • Comments can be added to group description.
  • It does not support "send-as". But Gmail supports it with extra setup.
It is a deal breaker that the email envelopes are modified. Otherwise it can be an OK option.

Google Workspace Email Routing

For each alias, create a new routing rule.
  • Maximum 1000 rules (recommended limit)
  • Email envelopes are not modified if using the correct options.
  • Difficult to add catch-all rules, because aliases are also unrecognized address.
  • It takes quite a few steps to create a new rule. No API support.
  • Comments can be added to the description of a routing rule.
  • It does not support "send-as". Maybe possible with some Gmail setup.
A good option if there are not so many aliases, and if it requires complicated routing logic.

Google Workspace Address Map

  • Limt is 5000 or 300
  • Difficult to add catch-all rules, because aliases are also unrecognized address.
  • Easy to add new alises. Supports bulk import.
  • No support to comments, but possible to use "+comment" if the destination is a gmail address.
  • Does not support "send-as"
A good option if catch-all rules are not required.

Google Workspace Address List

Add all alises into one or more address list. Then add one routing rule to forward them.
  • 100000 addresses per list.
  • Easy to add catch-all rules. Just skip the catch-all rules for the address lists.
  • Easy to add new aliases. No API support.
  • Does not support comments.
  • Does not support "send-as"
A good option if:
  • comments are not required
  • it is OK to forward all aliases (in the same list) to the same destination

Google Workspace Email Alias

  • 30 aliases per account
  • Easy to add catch-all rules.
  • Easy to add new aliases. With API support.
  • Does not support comments.
  • Supports "send-as"
A good option if "send-as" is required. Otherwise the limit is too small.


There are other options that I have heard of, but not explored.


Live Migrate Ubuntu 22.04.3 to Debian 12.5 on Raspberry Pi 4

I had a Ubuntu 22.04.3 on a Raspberry Pi 4. Recently I decided to switch it to Debian 12.5 in-place.

Mostly I was following this script: https://github.com/alexmyczko/autoexec.bat/blob/master/config.sys/ubuntu-deluxe 

It worked surprisingly well, however, the system was eventually broken (unsurprisingly) near the end, when I tried to upgrade the kernel.

I tried to fix initramfs by copying dtbs files, which seemed to work. Some references:



But the kernel did not load after reboot. Reverting /boot/config.txt didn't help.

Then I downloaded a Debian image and replaced only the boot partition of the micro SD card. This time the kernel was able to boot, but it couldn't load the filesystem.

I modified cmdline.txt, replaced "root=LABEL=RASPIROOT" with "root=/dev/mmcblk1p2", such that the kernel was able to load the filesystem. But a new error appeared: Cannot open access to console, the root account is locked.

At this point I found the process no longer fun, because it was such a pain to modify anything in the boot partition (power off Raspberry Pi, unplug the micro SD card and plug it into a PC, edit, unplug the micro SD card and plug it into Raspberry Pi, power on Raspberry Pi).

Eventually I just installed formatted the micro SD card, installed the Debian image and reconfigured the system. It was actually not slower than the in-place process.

I'd the say the ubuntu-deluxe script works pretty well. Most of the time I was just dealing with the difference between both distos (e.g. config files). Later I learned that the Ubuntu and Debian images used different methods for booting up Raspberry Pi. 

So theoretically it is possible to migrate from Ubuntu to Debian inplace. In fact there is a debtakeover script, which allows migrating to Debian from many other distros. On the other hand, normally it might make more sense to just reinstall the system.





1. restic是专有格式,没有程序文件的话无法访问备份的数据。

2. 之前测试restic的时候莫名其妙备份仓库数据有损坏。






原始数据保存在一台Ubuntu 22.04.3的机器上,文件系统使用ZFS,启用zstd压缩,没有开启去重。




restic版本 restic 0.16.3 compiled with go1.21.6 on linux/amd64

最终是用了42个半小时结束。restic报告是3.655 TiB added to repo, 3.531 TiB stored on disk。备份仓库里最后有220568个文件。



- 两台机器CPU占用率都不高
- 源机器上CPU有8核,但是restic基本用不到200%
- restic要调用ssh访问sftp,ssh大概也占用10%CPU
- 网络数据量大概50MB/s,这感觉很低
- 磁盘也没有充分利用。ZFS那边我见过几百MB/s的速度,而群晖那边也显示磁盘使用率在一半左右。



rclone 备份

rclone版本是 v1.65.0


















之前Google Reader挂了之后我基本一直用Feedly,后来也开始用Google Now看新闻,用Google Podcast听Podcast。


  • 越来越不喜欢Google Now的自动推送。感觉我的眼界越来越窄。
  • Feedly经常遇到收费功能。
  • Google Podcast要关闭了。
  • 我正好也有服务器了

RSS抓取用的Tiny Tiny RSS,这个之前就搭建好了,作为Feedly的备份。最近升级发现docker compose文件有若干变化,数据库版本也变了,稍微折腾了一下。


  • Miniflux
  • FreshRSS
  • NewBlur
不过这些其实都大同小异。主要Tiny Tiny RSS导入导出备份都挺方便。

手机端用的Feedme,直接支持Tiny Tiny RSS的API,也可以放Podcast


  • https://docs.rsshub.app/
  • https://feedx.net/
