今天学会了这个命令, 主要是lspci时一大堆unknown, 而驱动里明明支持那些id, 但是就是不能显示正确的字符串, 后来知道了update-pciids这个命令, 可以下载到最新的pci id, 之后lspci少了几个unknown. 此时才恍然大悟, 原来lspci显示的字符串跟驱动没有关系, 而是自己有一个索引。
这几天,这个东西把我搞得很头疼 而且这篇文章好像太大了,blogger自己的发布系统不能发 只好用mail了 //原文 http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ for Unix/Linux by Markus Kuhn This text is a very comprehensive one-stop information resource on how you can use Unicode/UTF-8 on POSIX systems (Linux, Unix). You will find here both introductory information for every user, as well as detailed references for the experienced developer. Unicode has started to replace ASCII, ISO 8859 and EUC at all levels. It enables users to handle not only practically any script and language used on this planet, it also supports a comprehensive set of mathematical and technical symbols to simplify scientific information exchange. With the UTF-8 encoding, Unicode can be used in a convenient and backwards compatible way in environments that were designed entirely around ASCII, like Unix. UTF-8 is the way in which Unicode is used under Unix, Linux, and similar systems. It is now time to make sure that you are well familiar ...