今天学会了这个命令, 主要是lspci时一大堆unknown, 而驱动里明明支持那些id, 但是就是不能显示正确的字符串, 后来知道了update-pciids这个命令, 可以下载到最新的pci id, 之后lspci少了几个unknown. 此时才恍然大悟, 原来lspci显示的字符串跟驱动没有关系, 而是自己有一个索引。
In perspective drawing, a vanishing point represents a group of parallel lines, in other words, a direction. For any point on the paper, if we want a line towards the same direction (in the 3d space), we simply draw a line through it and the vanishing point. But sometimes the vanishing point is too far away, such that it is outside the paper/canvas. In this example, we have a point P and two perspective lines L1 and L2. The vanishing point VP is naturally the intersection of L1 and L2. The task is to draw a line through P and VP, without having VP on the paper. I am aware of a few traditional solutions: 1. Use extra pieces of paper such that we can extend L1 and L2 until we see VP. 2. Draw everything in a smaller scale, such that we can see both P and VP on the paper. Draw the line and scale everything back. 3. Draw a perspective grid using the Brewer Method. #1 and #2 might be quite practical. #3 may not guarantee a solution, unless we can measure distances/p...