按ifuse官网说法,添加ppa ppa:pmcenery/ppa,更新一下就好了。
In default installation, after plugged in an ipad, a dialog will show saying something wrong with dbus.
The package ifuse would be necessary for accessing ipad, but the one in the official repository is not new enough.
According the the web page of ifuse, just to add the ppa ppa:pmcenery/ppa, then perform an upgrade.
按ifuse官网说法,添加ppa ppa:pmcenery/ppa,更新一下就好了。
In default installation, after plugged in an ipad, a dialog will show saying something wrong with dbus.
The package ifuse would be necessary for accessing ipad, but the one in the official repository is not new enough.
According the the web page of ifuse, just to add the ppa ppa:pmcenery/ppa, then perform an upgrade.