困扰了我近两年的问题。 远程连vnc回我的电脑,第一个画面能看到,鼠标也可以动,但是键盘按没反应,画面也不会再动。 一开始以为是网络问题,或者是设置了view only,但是本机上看,鼠标和键盘都得到了响应,所以只是屏幕刷新的问题。 这个问题我一直不知道原因。 但是最近新装的ubuntu,一开始是可以连得,没有问题,我还以为是更新了解决了这个问题。但是最近又不行了,我才开始想最近改了什么设置。 最后发现原来是启动了fglrx,关了radeon。 改回radeon后vnc又复活了。 于是查了一下, 果然是个bug,见 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/353126 , 而且nvidia的闭源驱动也有这个问题,我以前是用的nvidia的卡,只是一直用它的驱动,所以没有发现这个问题。 A problem that has been bothering me for nearly two years. So the problem is, when trying to remotely connect to the vnc server enabled on my computer, I can see only the first screenshot, without further update, the mouse pointer is moving, but keyboard events are not responded. I thought at first this must be something wrong with the network, or maybe "view only" is set on the server, however on my computer I see that mouse and keyboard are working properly, so it's only the problem of screen updating. I didn't know the reason all the time until now. Recently I have a new Ubuntu installe...