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Showing posts from April, 2013

Misc 20130401

To reset all shortcut definitions in evince, run rm ~/.config/evince/accels GCC would complain if you define a variable without actually using it. To silience it, use (void)var; DNS is not working in VirtualBox: Run VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natdnshostresolver1 on Ref   A useful link talking about ravlue reference in C++11   To clear disk cache in Linux: Run sudo sh -c 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' Ref  "screen-256color not found": Run infocmp xterm-256color > screen-256color.ti on a machine without this error, copy the file to the target machine and then run tic screen-256color.ti Ref Just switch to fcitx from ibus. I like a theme called 'anran'. If fcitx cannot follow the cursor on Firefox, turn on preedit, as said in the official wiki. Just played with a vim plugin called youcompleteme, for C++ autocomplete, which is quite powerful. Also I installed vund...

杂记 20130401

之前evince的快捷键乱套了,使用 rm ~/.config/evince/accels 复位 定义了变量var又不用的话,gcc会报warning"unused variable",解法是 (void)var; VirtualBox中DNS不工作:运行 VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natdnshostresolver1 on Ref   一个讲c++11右值引用的link:   Linux清除disk cache: sudo sh -c 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' Ref  遇到错误screen-256color not found需要支持新的终端类型:找一台支持screen-256color的机器执行 infocmp xterm-256color > screen-256color.ti 把文件拷贝到目标机器后执行 tic screen-256color.ti Ref  最近从ibus换到了fcitx,起初是由于sogou发布了,不过后来还是卸掉了。anran主题不错。fcitx在firefox中光标跟随有点问题,按官方wiki说法打开preedit后就没事了。  最近在vim里折腾youcompleteme这个补全插件,挺好用。顺便也装了vundle来管理插件,很不错  vim更新.vimrc后想直接应用,执行 so %