1.gnome-shell 默认按一下winkey会出main menu, 这问题不大,但是其他我设的winkey+..的快捷键很多不能用了。比如f和空格都不行,但是t可以,很诡异。 解决办法是 system settings -> region and language -> layouts -> options -> alt/win key behaior -> meta is mapped to win keys 2.python的urllib记得是直接直接支持https的,但是不能验证证书(据说以后会实现的)。于是我找到了m2cypto这个模块,里面包装了urllib,证书有问题时会抛异常,但是证书没问题时会卡死。。。后来想了想,还是调用wget比较靠谱 3.gnome 3的控制面板里找不到startup applications了,但是可以直接运行gnome-session-properties 4.maximus:一个小软件,可以去掉最大化窗口的标题栏,配合gnome shell很不错。 5./usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/dateMenu.js还有panel.js可以对gnome shell顶部条进行hack,比如我把Activities改了名,自定义了时钟格式,去掉了accessibility图标。 1. By deault press the winkey once in gnome-shell will call up the main menu, this is not a big problem, but some shortcuts 'winkey + somekey' I set are not functional. For example 'f' and 'space' do not work, however 't' works, weird. To solve it: system settings -> region and language -> layouts -> options -> alt/win key behaior -> meta is mapped to win ...
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