Windows 7 不能自动给移动硬盘分配盘符 | Windows 7 won't assign a volume letter for removable hard disks automatically
症状: 插上移动硬盘后,显示连接了usb设备,但是在我的电脑里看不到新盘符。 用计算机管理里面的磁盘管理可以手动设置盘符,然后可以使用。 解法: 以管理员权限运行命令mountvol /e Symptom: A new volume won't appear in 'my computer' after plugging in a removable hard disk, but it shows that a new usb device has been plugged in. A volume letter can be manually assigned through the disk management in computer management console, then the removable disk can be used normally. Solution: run as adin: mountvol /e