Vista SP1 + Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite 症状是用Control Panel的uninstall/repair,或者源安装盘,都在load某个component时挂掉,不能进入正常安装界面,然后弹出对话框,提示“A Problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup.” 而Log中显示错误 MSITOSIT: [2] ERROR processed; exception was thrown for retail build Developer Comment: : has no associated directory, verify the Feature table is correct Build Time: Thu Dec 11 14:04:18 2003 HRESULT: -2147467259 网上查了一下,有的说是SP1的问题,有的说是Kaspersky的问题,我这里都不管用。 最后的解决办法是找到源安装盘的vs_setup.msi,用Admin进入cmd,运行msiexec /x vs_setup.msi,它似乎就什么都不检查,就能卸载了。 之后重装也没问题。
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